
目前顯示的是 8月, 2009的文章

Always On Your Side

這是我前些天找資料不小心聽到的背景音樂,直覺就是覺得好聽! 不過youtube禁止內嵌,我只能貼連結了 歌詞也滿不錯的^^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FseuxxcTlvA My yesterdays are all boxed up and neatly put away But every now and then you come to mind Cause you were always waiting to be picked to play the game But when your name was called, you found a place to hide When you knew that I was always on your side 所有的過往 都已經被我裝進箱子裡 然後擱到一旁去了 但是你還是不時會出現在我心上 因為從前的你 一直都在等著 被邀請進入愛情的遊戲 但是當你的名字被點到的時候 你就想找地方躲藏 當你知道 我永遠都會在你身旁 Well everything was easy then, so sweet and innocent But my demons and my angels reappeared Leaving only traces of the man you thought I'd be Too afraid to hear the words I'd always feared Leaving you with only questions all these years 從前一切都是那麼簡單 那麼的甜蜜又單純 但是我邪惡的和善良的兩面又再度拉鋸 然後只剩下 那個曾經傷害過你的我 那個一直都害怕承諾的我 只剩下多年來一直等待著答案的你 But is there someplace far away, someplace where all is clear Easy to start over with the ones you hold so dear Or are you left to wonder, all alone, eternally This isn...


滿 意外的,昨天在公車上,小弟只是餘光一撇居然讓我看到黃禎祥老師! 超久沒見面了!看著禎祥老師在過馬路,記得是在吉林路路口,這讓我覺得很不可思議~頓時覺得這世界真得是很小很小耶! 還記得在2006後半年時跟著老師學了不少~^^ 這也算是我人生很特別的時刻了~這三個月內等我目前狀況大致OK之後,我要去找他! 要幹嘛?我也不知道~就是想去找! 對我來說 生命總是這麼的不可思議^^